It has been shown that memorized information\ncan influence real-time visuomotor control. For instance, a\npreviously seen object (prime) influences grasping movements\ntoward a target object. In this study, we examined\nhow general the priming effect is: does it depend on the orientation\nof the target object and the similarity between the\nprime and the target? To do so, we examined whether priming\neffects occured for different orientations of the prime\nand the target objects and for primes that were either identical\nto the target object or only half of the target object.\nWe found that for orientations of the target object that did\nnot require an awkward grasp, the orientation of the prime\ncould influence the initiation time and the final grip orientation.\nThe priming effects on initiation time were only found\nwhen the whole target object was presented as prime, but\nnot when only half of the target object was presented. The\nresults suggest that a memory effect on real-time control is\nconstrained by end-state comfort and by the relevance of\nthe prime for the grasping movement, which might mean\nthat the interactions between the ventral and dorsal pathways\nare task specific.